About Us

Working together for children’s rights.

Diverse Social Care Provision Ltd (trading as DSCP Services) incorporated in 2020 with the aim of developing future potentials and promoting children’s rights. Our Mission is to equip young people from diverse backgrounds to fulfil their potential and make the positive transition to an independent adult life.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to offer young people from different backgrounds a brighter future through the services we provide, and by collaborating with identified professionals and organisations to assist in the assessment, planning, intervention, and monitoring of the services they provide to young people in their care.

Our Vision

Our Vision is for young people to be well prepared and well equipped for successful adult life and independent living, and we believe that a support-guided, balanced approach establishes an excellent foundation. We believe in the ability to improve the quality of life of children and young people across the country.

Our Philosophy

At DSCP Services, we offer valuable support to local authorities, legal teams, and organisations throughout the UK to assist in developing a
system where children including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children receive high quality support and expert assessments from the moment they arrive in the care of a Local Authority.